AmigaOS3.5 (742/967)

Date:23 May 2000 at 02:20:01
Subject:Questions about FFS and Amiga Mailer

Hello all,
I have just joined this list and have 2 questions, i hope they can be
answered. First of all, i have had a look at the FAQ, in particular the section
about updating the FFS on the harddrive. Is there any performance advantages
from the old FFS?? If so, what are they?

My second question regards the Amiga Mailer software that was supplied. I
cannot get it to work. I can get it to send an e-mail (which indicates to me
that i have correctly set up the preferences) but when i go to recieve mail, it
tells me it is logging on, checking and never returns anything, even though i
know for a fact that there is e-mail to be downloaded. Does anybody know
anything about this? I do have BB1 installed.

Thanks in Advance

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